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Judy Hawkins <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Fri, 3 Mar 2006 14:44:52 -0500
text/plain (124 lines)
TES Board Meeting
February 27, 2006-DRAFT

Members Present:  Cheryl Ruth, Al Clausen, Deborah Leggott, Carl McNelly,
Loree Zeif, memebers of the Board, David Dezendorf, Kris Jerz, Jim
Crozier, members of the public,

Absent:  Judy Tietz, member of the board

Call to Order:  The meeting began at 7:00 p.m. at the Town Hall as a joint
meeting between the School Board and the Select Board.  The School Board
recessed at 7:45 p.m. and resumed at TES at 7:50 p.m.

Approval of the Minutes for February 13, 2006:  A motion was made to
approve the minutes as written.  The motion passed.  

Additions & Deletions:  None

Members of the Public:  The agreement between Grace Cottage Hospital and
the Townshend Elementary School was received from the lawyer.  The lawyer
requested that we get a recorded copy back for our files.  Kathy Hege made
a motion to direct the board chair to submit the 
agreement with the indirect discharge permit.  The motion passed.  The
application will be submitted to Natural Resources and it needs to be
posted and stamped. Our new permit will be issued by June 30, 2006.  .  

Minutes for February 13th.  A motion was made to approve the minutes. 
Motion was passed.

There was a discussion regarding the Townshend bus.  Carl mentioned that a
discussion about the feasibility of bus service  at Townshend had been
discussed at a previous meeting.  Loree asked how many kids ride the bus? 
Deborah was asked to get figures  together to determine how many
elementary students vs.high school students ride bus.

Bills and Purchase Orders:  

Expense Report Question:  Kathy Hege had some corrections concerning the
expense report and asked to make sure they get corrected.

Career Center Payment:  Cheryl reported there has been no word about the
bill from the Career Center Payment. . 

A motion was made by .Kathy Hege to approve purchase orders:PO
$50-$14,871.08, PO #51-$7,271.77, PO #52-$12,593.34 The motion passed.  
Principal’s Report:  Deborah did a comprehensive report.  TES now has a
total of 86 students, with 2 new students being enrolled.  . We will have
a new policy from WCSU concerning delayed  school opening. 

Superintendent’s Report:  Loree asked why we had school on Monday?  Cheryl
reported that it was because of the way town meeting fell this year. 

Old Business:  Drug Testing Results:  Deborah called the Vermont League of
Cities and Towns.  The bus driver should not have been on the list to be
drug tested. 

New Business:  Policy Discussion:  Animals in Classroom, Threats and
Disruptions to School Operations.  .  They will now be posted and warned. 
Kathy H. made a motion to warn Animals in Classroom as written.  Threats
and Disruptions to School Operations as written.  The motion passed

Kathy received a call from Vt. Dept. of Transportation about our turn
around signs.  Kathy will turn it over to the school and they can make
sure they get in touch with him to see if we can actually have the signs. 
He will come to the school and see if this can happen

Committee Updates:  Executive /Super Board:    Set salaries for Central
		          Technology:  Next meeting March 9, 2006 at 4:00 p.m.					  

Correspondence:  IRS Letter-Kathy received a letter from the IRS from
Mickey.  The letter says we did not file proper paperwork for a bond. for
$225,000.   The lawyer did not file the necessary paperwork with the IRS. 
The lawyer has accepted responsibility for the errror  and will file the
necessary paperwork.  Kathy would like to make sure this gets followed up

Vt.Dept of Taxes Letter:  Kathy received a letter for Vt. Dept of Taxes. 
The listers from Townshend have appealed the CLA.  There has been a
hearing set for March 3rd if the selectboard does not agree with the CLA. 
The people who are responsible for our reappraisal said they will be in
contact with us but this has not happended.  . 

At last month’s meeting, Deborah was asked to contact the Dept. of Labor
and Industry regarding getting a 6 burner stove for the kitchen at TES.
Labor and Industry has no problem with having a stove in the building. 
Brian Johnson Fire Marshall, will call Deborah and set up an appointment
to meet with her.  Kathy wants to make sure we don’t need to h ave a
buried gas tank.  

Upcoming Meetings:  Executive/Super Board-March 22 (Riverbend); March 29
(Brookline); May 3, 2006.

Executive Session: Executive Session began at 8:42 p.m.   Kathy Hege made
a motion to come out of executive session at 9:50 p.m.  The motion passed
unanimously.  The board instructed Kathy Hege to forward the completed
Superintendent’s Evaluation on to the WCSU board chair. 

Adjourn:  Carl Mc Neely made a motion to adjourn at 10:00.  The motion
passed unanimously.  

Respectfully submitted:

Judy Hawkins

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