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Judy Hawkins <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Sat, 18 Feb 2006 09:29:36 -0500
text/plain (110 lines)
TES BOARD MINUTES                       draft

In Attendance:  Loree Zeif, Kathy Hege, Carl McNeeley, Judy Tietz, Al
Claussen,  members of the board, David Dezendorf, member of the public,
Deborah Leggott, Principal

Call to Order:  7:12 p.m.

Approval of Minutes for January 23, 2006.  A motion was made to approve
the minutes of January 23rd as amended by Kathy Hege.  Motion was passed.

Additions & Deletions:  Loree asked to have the January 23rd minutes
amended to state that Kathy Hege made a motion to change the word CVPS to
Vermont Public Service Board.  The motion was passed unanimously.  

Members of the Public:  None
Bills & Purchase Orders:  PO #958.50 for Library Books was presented for
payment from last month, okay to pay.  PO #8386 BUHS Career Center bill
continues to remain on hold.  Kathy made a motion to approve pay orders
#45-$14,656.09, #46-$7,138.10, #47-$15,185.34, #48-$7,254.25, and
#49-$24,712.81.  A Directors Warrant 02-13-06 for $259.00.  The motion was
Principal’s Report:  Deborah presented a comprehensive report.  

Superintendent’s Report:  Cheryl asked the board to approve the tuition
for next year.  An amount up to $10,000 may be approved for 2006-2007. 
Kathy made a motion to set the tuition  at the state allowed $10,000 for
06-07.  The motion was passed.  Cheryl is promoting the Board  Retreat on
March 22nd at 5:30 p.m..   Reservations must be back by March 15th. The
topic for the Board Retreat will be Roles & Responsibilities of School
Board Members.   Cheryl mentioned she has extra forms for her evaluation
if anyone needs one.  There will be a full board meeting at TES at 7:30 on
Wednesday, February 15th.  It will take place in the Multi-Purpose Room.

Old Business:  GC septic agreement: A signed maintenance agreement was
received from the hospital attorney for a shared sewer line.   Kathy would
like to make a correction: on page 2 #2 the agreement states that GC will
have access to the outflow meter.  We don’t have an outflow meter.  Kathy
spoke to our attorney and she advised to crossing  out the out part of
flow so it would read flow meter not outflow meter.    Kathy made a motion
to approve the agreement with the above correction  and the motion was
passed.  Kathy will send this agreement back to the attorney. This is an
agreement between TES and GC dba Otis Healthcare.  Food Service-meal
provider question:  Deborah reported that she talked with Carolyn re:
providing food service to a small school. This arrangement is not very
cost effective.  Loree brought up the issue of a bigger stove for Carolyn.
 Loree knows of someone that is willing to give the school a bigger stove.
 .  Kathy said we could check to see what the cost would be for setting it
up. and Deborah should call the Fire Marshall.. 
New Business:  Fund balance questions:  Kathy reported on the meeting with
the selectmen.  Selectmen want to know why the money left in the fund is
not being returned?  If the voters chose not to give us $55,000 it would
be used as a revenue..    L&G Assessment-town meeting information:  The
Townshend Assessment is going up by $73,000 not $3,000.  

Policies:  We have 2 policies to warn on the next agenda.  

Tech. Update: There has been no date set to visit Smart Boards per
Deborah.  The teachers are looking at available dates.  

Correspondence:  Drug Testing:  We have an issue in the way confidential
information is being handled.  Deborah  is going to contact the Vt. Cities
& Leagues and see if our bus driver’s  drug testing can be sent  to the
school and not the town hall. 

Upcoming Meetings:  March 29th is Super Board Mtg. at BES, 
March 22nd ( School Board Retreat at Riverbend); April 5th might change
but Cheryl will  keep the board posted; May 3rd, 2006.

Executive Session:  Loree made a motion to go into executive session at
8:12 p.m. about a student issue.  The board regrets that this student
request is denied.  The principal will inform the employee of the
decision.  The employee will be encouraged to inform the board of any
changes in residency.  The board remained in executive session to do the
Superintendent’s evaluation and to discuss a legal/personnel issue.  The
motion passed unanimously.  A motion was made by Loree to leave executive
session at 9:30 p.m.  The motion passed unanimously.  Work on the
Superintendent’s evaluation was tabled until the following meeting.  No
action was taken on the legal/personnel issue.  Kathy made a motion to
adjourn at 9:35 p.m.  Motion passed unanimously.  

Adjourned:  Loree made a motion to adjourn at 9:35 p.m..  Motion passed

Respectfully submitted,

Judy Hawkins

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